The Miracle of Green Tea

The Miracle of Green Tea

The Miracle of Green Tea

For many years now, tea has had an image problem in Australia and therefore the benefits of tea and especially green tea have not been exploited fully. At Tea Blossoms, it is our mission and passion to make tea popular again. The aim is to make tea SEXY, trendy, the thing to do and more importantly, the thing to drink.

Blooming Green tea gives a unique visual experience and makes drinking tea more exciting. Few other food or drinks are reputed to have as many health benefits as green tea. 

Unfortunately in Australia, the trend has been away from all tea. Coffee consumption per capita has doubled over the last 30 years while tea consumption has decreased by 60% over the same period. (statistics Presented to the Australian Coffee Traders Association, Annual General Meeting 19 September 2006)

How do we bring tea back? We need to make drinking tea more exciting!

Hand made blooming green tea balls are unique and made only with premium quality ingredients. These flower tea balls are created with specially selected tea leaves. These early season leaves are rare and only available 2-3 weeks each year. The leaves are tied together around fresh flower blossoms.

They are then carefully rolled into a tight ball before gentle steaming. The newly formed silver balls are dried and fresh flowers give the tea its delicate flavor and aroma and add their own health benefits. Blooming tea is like mini floral bouquets that blooms right in front of you that we hope will turn people toward sipping on green tea rather than a soft drink or coffee. Blooming tea is perfect for the health conscious as it combines the natural benefits of green tea with the flowers that are entwined with the tea.

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