You've got questions, we've got answers

How can I track my order?

You will receive an email after placing your order, with a link to track your order from the time you place it through to fulfillment by our team. We will send you a shipping tracking number once dispatched. Our orders are sent by Australia Post or Sendle Post. You can choose Standard Shipping or Express Options in your Checkout. And don't forget if you spend $75 or more, you can receive FREE Standard Shipping!

How long has Tea Blossoms been supplying tea to Australians and Australian businesses?

Tea Blossoms started in 2005 and has been supplying high quality tea products to the Australian market ever since. We are a leader in blooming flower teas.

What if my product is faulty or I was sent the wrong item?

If a mistake happens, let us know by Contacting Us and our friendly team will help you out to resolve your concern as soon as possible.

How can I learn more about blooming flower tea?

Do you stock teapots and other accessories?

Absolutely! Check out our teaware range.

What is the best way to store tea?

I want to order a Gift for someone - do you sell Gift sets?

We certainly do. Check out our range of Gift Ideas. Or you might want to send an e-Gift Card - you can even send your Gift Card with a video message!